Device Visibility Control

The Device Visibility Control is perhaps the simplest yet one of the most powerful features within ABC. It provides straightforward options to show or hide your content on different devices, ensuring that your website is tailored to deliver the optimal user experience, no matter the screen size.

Control Options:

  • Hide on Desktop: Ensure specific blocks are only shown where they look best; this option hides them from desktop views.
  • Hide on Tablet: Tailor your content for the best user experience by hiding certain blocks from tablet displays.
  • Hide on Mobile: Keep your mobile layout streamlined and focused by concealing selected blocks.

Note on Editor Visibility: In the editor, any element set to be hidden on a particular device will be visually indicated with a white overlay and reduced opacity. This helps to quickly identify which blocks will not be visible on certain devices, providing a clear distinction as you design and organize your site’s content.

With the Device Visibility Control, you have the power to create a truly adaptive design that respects the user’s device choice, ensuring content is not just responsive, but also relevant to the viewing context.

What are your feelings
Updated on May 10, 2024